Katya: Spy Chloroform Nurse chloro story chloroform Spy Chloro Elizabeth 11:06 PM Add Comment Elizabeth “Anyone want any tea or coffee,’ asked Alison as she entered the office, ‘are we all dropping off here?’ ‘if youre...
Strange Dreams On A Train CBiscuit chloro chloroform Elizabeth 9:35 AM Add Comment Elizabeth Lucy felt the train begin to move as she sat alone in her compartment. It was just after sunrise. The trip would take...
Chloroform My Wife chloro Chloroform Wife kidnapping Elizabeth 11:52 PM Add Comment Elizabeth One day I told my wife I had to leave for a couple of days, for work (nothing strange, it happens often), but this time...
Chloroformed by My own Uncle bondage chloro chloroform Elizabeth 1:11 PM Add Comment Elizabeth Adriano isn’t my real uncle, more a friend of the family, although I’ve always called him uncle Adriano. He’s a bit...
The Boss Want You chloro chloroform colleague Elizabeth 10:03 PM Add Comment Elizabeth It was Lena's first day at work and she looked fabulous! dressed in a charcoal grey skirt suit with a skirt length...